Ode to the Man from Mars

Ode to the Man from Mars

You did not like my beauty,

So I offered you my face burnt by my two hands.

You did not like me humming to the music in my heart,

So I offered you my silence.

You did not like my perception of your self-obsession,

So I offered you my blindness.

You did not like my serenades of love,

So I offered you my dispassion.

You did not like my riposte to your angry bellows,

So I offered you my deafness.

You did not like anything I did, said or felt,

So I offered you my fortitude.

All rights reserved @sutapa basu


Eventually I realized…

How can I ever fulfill your criterion?

For you are from Mars

And I can never be a Martian!

All rights reserved. Copyright@Sutapa Basu 2016

Ode to the Man from Mars
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